Friday, May 30, 2008
Love Letters - Have They Gone the Way of the Dinosaur?
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
To Delete or Not to Delete - That IS the Question
I felt really good about getting rid of all of those ghosts until ... I realized that I hadn't done a permanent delete and kept finding the pictures in other areas of my computer. How many times had I loaded the same pictures onto my home and work computer? Apparently many, many times. They were everywhere, like the proverbial skeletons in the closet. They kept popping up at inopportune times. I had to delete again and again. And frankly, it wasn't easier the second or third time around. There was that little (ok, maybe medium sized) part of me that still wanted those pictures - just in case.
The real beauty of it all, is truthfully, by deleting those pictures, I've progressed to the next step towards the goal of complete annihilation of him from my mind. Sometimes I wonder if he's deleted the pictures of me from his computer. Frankly, I don't think he's really given it much thought. Plus, I think he actually only had one picture anyway. Luckily I looked really good in it. Then again, maybe he didn't delete it, just in case...
Monday, May 26, 2008
When Somebody Loves You ...
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Motion in the Ocean
Friday, May 23, 2008
Why I Can't Wait to Have Sex in the City
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Extra, Extra, Read All About It. Oprah Gives Up Meat!!
But I do have the highest respect for those who can live this lifestyle successfully. But since I can't, I do believe it's very important to buy your meat from farmers who believe in treating their cattle as if they were their friends. But where do you really find these farmers? After the latest recall of beef due to inhuman treatment of the cows, someone I know and respect, and grew up on a cattle farm, alarmingly (to me at least) found no problem with the treatment of the cows going to slaughter. He said "how do you think they got the cattle on the trucks to take them to slaughter in the first place? You have to keep at 'em with a cattle prod." This, to me is highly upsetting and frankly disgusting.
Every time I eat an egg (that my own chickens did not lay) I wonder if that chicken was well cared for? I also wonder about the milk I drink. Was the cow in fact allowed to pasture? I'm very picky about the companies I will buy from, and really like Organic Valley. But for many companies out there since I've never gotten to see their operation first hand, I'm always a bit skeptical. Especially when it comes to eggs. I've raised chickens for years. A free ranged chicken can not possibly be a vegetarian. So when you see that on an egg label, I wonder how this is can be. Chickens eat insects, insects are meat, and if they are free ranging, I mean truly free ranging, then they've picked up a few bugs along the way.
Honestly, I do think Oprah's decision to check out a non-meat alternative is pretty cool. What I really find amazing is the phenomenon of what I call "Oprah's Lemmings." There is method behind Oprah's madness. But what about her lemmings? They just do what she says. Like robots. Eat this, read this, buy this. Truly amazing. I hope some of the things she talks about to her followers also includes how to find the best locally grown foods, the best farmers markets and why you should really get to know the faces behind the labels. There are a lot of alternatives out there. But I'm afraid now that the big corporations have gotten wind of how successful the organic industry has been that they are going to taint the industry with their Simon Barsinister tactics.
Top left pic: Alexa pretending she's eating Romy our bantam hen; bottom left: my son Alex holding Enrique; right side: me and our 1/2 golden laced wyandotte 1/2 ameraucana rooster Solstice.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
This, My People, Is a CRYING SHAME!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Can We Really Be Complete Without a Man?
Myself, I'm generally happier when I'm single. I do tend to get caught up in men's chaos. (And oh yes, there are a lot of total drama kings out there.) But at times I do feel like something is ... yes, I'll admit it. Something is missing. I want someone to kiss me or hold my hand. I want someone to think I'm really hot and have no problem telling me that - over and over and over again. And if I hear one more time, but you have your kids, I'm going to scream at the top of my lungs - you suck and just don't get it. Holding hands with my kids is sooo way different than holding hands with a man (as it should be). That's like comparing apples to elephants. They're not even in the same food group.
So I'm going to free myself from our self-imposed denials and admit it. Yes, I want a man in my life. Not just any man - the right man. And I'm willing to wait for him, where ever he is. Even the early mother of feminism Gloria Steinem found love. But as I write this, I can feel the low rumblings of women everywhere, believing that I've just set the woman's movement back 20 years by saying that out loud (or worse yet in the written word). But I'm not. I'm just being honest with myself, and with those around me. It's ok to want a mate. But even more, it's ok to admit it.
Are We Restricted By Our Geography?
According to my professor, we only have a certain geographic span in which to find a mate. Since I was married at the time, I didn't really give it much thought. I'd made my bed and I was lying in it. But now that I'm single again, I got to thinking about this 15 year old lecture. What is he really saying? What do you mean we only have a limited geographic area? We can go anywhere we want. We have cars. We're mobile. We have opposable thumbs for God's sake. But then I thought, how far am I willing to travel to find true love? 10 miles? 50 miles? 3,000 miles? I don't know. I feel like for me, Chicago is done. I've lived here my whole life and haven't found "the one" yet. And now with the price of gas, I don't really want to go any further than bike riding distance. So if geographical restriction means we're only willing and able to travel so far to find our mate and if our mate is not within that traveling span, then by deduction, I guess we're kind of screwed. Thank God I have cats.