Wednesday, June 11, 2008
What Would Dear Abby Do?
Saturday, June 7, 2008
When Your Friend Lies Dying

The two of them, Thor and Freckles took to their new surroundings quickly. They made themselves at home and became a part of the family. Now, Thor isn't the b

One of the things that really enamored me to this crumungeon, is the first time I knelt down to take a look at him, he got all crazy and rubbed his head all over me and began rolling around. He actually has facial expressions unlike his friend Freckles who has a perpetual Droopy Dog look.
So here he lies in my kitchen on a big dog bed, breathing short rapid breaths
So I'm going to sit with him for a while, pet his head, give him some water if he wants some, take his collar off (you never know if it's irritating at this point) and then I'll just leave him alone and let him go. When you let your friend die naturally at home, the last gift your pet gives you, is that they don't let you see them die.
Friday, June 6, 2008
Online Dating ... the New Mailorder Brides?

I have, however, heard of the occasional success story and actually know of one. One out of who knows how many? But I do know of one. In fact, this online couple actually got married and are expecting their first baby. It still amazes me to this day.

So now, the lookee has gotten his catalog and flips through it looking for someone that catches his eye. He might find a few, but you're always turning the page hoping there's something better on the next page. If he sees something he likes, he contacts his prospective wife and they make the appropriate arrangements.
And this just seems exactly like online dating to me - except in paper form (although mail order brides have

Thursday, June 5, 2008
Whose Rules Are We Playing By Anyway?
Somewhere in t

When are we as a collective group going to realize that our self respect is worth way more than that

Tuesday, June 3, 2008
Will a Heart Ever Truly Heal?
Who is there to put it back together?
When your heart dies
Who is there to resuscitate it?
When your soul begins to leave (you)
Who is there to chase it back in?
When you close your eyes
Your fear trickles down your brow
leaving its telltale mark as it burns your flesh
permeating the air with the putrid smell of burning skin
It slithers like the venomous serpent into your eyes
Injecting you with its poison, infecting you
Blinding you to what’s in front of you
The disturbing blank stare that hints to the death of your essence
The dread hovers over you like a deadly aspiration
Waiting to reap what’s left of your tortured soul
It comes slicing its way into your body
Searching for some form of conscience
It finds nothing but a pit of darkness
Their evil masked by the beauty of their metallic blue uniforms
They surround the enemy, screaming their battle cry
Wings furiously flapping as they aim their lethal weapons
Depositing their hopes for a new generation
The new warriors emerge, stalking, ready to destroy
Resuming the attack of their ancestors
Biting, chewing, gorging themselves on the corpse
Writhing, twisting, contorting
The brazen warriors consume the necrotic flesh
Leaving behind the skeleton that was once my heart.